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Systemingenjör ID:291

The role as System Engineer is to secure that project-based development of Surveillance functions in the customers product offering are done with an optimal effort, with tools, networks and solutions available in a security-based system, LINUX and Windows.

Your will be part of the creation of a system roadmap for techniques and components to be implemented and will have insight in the offering in the commercial projects contents and intentions. The aim of the work is to provide a fine-tuned development environment to developers performing “bleeding edge” product development.

The needs for the development environment are handled in a DevOps manner, always looking for improvements “to the left”, and regarding results to “the right”. You will work in a team, with cross team interactions frequently, based on a well implemented AGILE WoW, scheduling the implementation steps in sprints, constantly analyzing the results in retrospectives.

You will be a part of a continuous DevOps process where the request for additions and enhancements of the Development Environment is a never-ending flow. Thus, it requires that the environment is handled in a formal way, taking cyber security and formal company security regulations into account.

Most of the work will be within the following areas: •    Develop and maintain a well-structured Development environment system •    Continuous upgrades and enhancements through new releases and/or patches •    Analysis of impacts, modifications and additions to meet the needs for development projects •    Participate in investigation regarding security and system enhancements

Your profile

We are looking for you who has worked as a SW Engineer or Data Center Technician to some degree, and have a genuine interest for IT. Perhaps even on a personal level. Maybe you study articles on you free time? Or even perform elaboration on new techniques just based on curiosity?

Regardless, we believe that you need to enjoy collaboration and working together with others. We see it as meritorious if you on top of that, have an interest in continuous improvements.

Required skills:

•    An IT background, theoretical or just through mere interest and practice

•    Data Center management, formal handling of networks and applications

•    Familiar with Oss such as LINUX and/or Windows

•    Practice in automation (Scripting, ANSIBLE or similar)

•    Fluent in Swedish and English, in speech and writing

This position requires that you pass a security vetting based on the current regulations around/of security protection.

For positions requiring security clearance additional obligations on citizenship may apply.

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Föreslår här Daniel Ståhl till er förfrågan Systemingenjör ID:291.


Daniel Ståhl är en utmärkt match för rollen som System Engineer. Han har stark Linux-kompetens, erfarenhet av datacenterhantering, automatisering och säkerhetskrav. Hans bakgrund inom DevOps, CI/CD och Agile gör honom väl lämpad att arbeta i den kontinuerliga förbättringsprocessen som efterfrågas.Den enda mindre avvikelsen är att hans Windows-erfarenhet inte är lika framträdande som hans Linux-kunskap. Dock kompenseras detta av hans bredd inom infrastruktur, säkerhet och automation, vilket gör att han snabbt skulle kunna hantera Windows-miljöer vid behov.

Slutsats: Daniel Ståhl uppfyller och överträffar majoriteten av kraven och är en mycket stark kandidat för rollen.

Överensstämmelse med kraven:

  1. IT-bakgrund och erfarenhet✅ Daniel har över 15 års erfarenhet som Linux-administratör och har haft roller som Data Infrastructure…




Josefina Dahlgren | 0709 85 22 23
Lina Ericsson | 0709 85 22 32

Jan Stenbecks Torg 17
164 26 Kista
Box 1186
Tel: 08 750 49 00


Theres Svenssons Gata 10 (Lindholmen)
417 55 Göteborg


Ågatan 55 A
582 22 Linköping


Vaksalagatan 2 (Gamla rådhuset)
753 20 Uppsala



Scheelevägen 27 (Ideon Science Park)
223 63 Lund


Tack för att du kontaktar oss

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